Being college student who lives paycheck to paycheck, I don't have the disposable income to pay to have various different advertisements go up on social mediums so that my business can get highlighted and attract more traffic. Some of the easiest and fastest ways to promote my business with a poor man's budget is to just advertise regular posts. The idea here is not to annoy anyone and everyone but more think of fun a creative ways to get people to think about my posts and be tempted to want to check out my business page. For example, since Mother's Day is fast approaching I made a post saying "So how will you be spending Mother's Day? How about treating her to some traditional Sangria?" This was a very simple way to get people to visit my sight as well as get a unique and creative way to celebrate Mother's Day. Although I think it's a creative pitch to grab someone's attention and although posted a couple days ago, I haven't had much traffic let alone a like or a comment on that post. Just keeping my fingers crossed!
Similarly, on Twitter one can tweet a special message to be sent out stating a discount or special offer to the first couple of people that respond and/or sign up and follow my business page. Although this post was done yesterday this was a good example of a tweet with a call to action.
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