Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Week 1 - Background

So we begin this class with the question,

Why did you choose the background that you did?

So to the question on hand, I will start off by saying that I kind of didn't like the selection I was given from the get go. I just figured out how to go back and make overall changes to the look and feel of my blog so maybe later I'll check some of the other templates available and see if there are any others I like. Trust, me I am no novice when it comes to technology and I actually pick things up rather quickly but never having a blog of my own this was a bit different, especially not knowing exactly where to go next.

Now, ethereal did catch my attention at first and was a little stuck between watermark but chose ethereal because it does make me think of peace and calmness...things that I am the majority of the time with the exception of today and needing to get to work in a bit. Since the instructions do mention to keep the layout/format simple I think this works best. It's not too distracting even with the hummingbirds, the colors work well together and are not to busy and even the text is easy read. Of course, when I have some extra time I might change the whole thing or keep it as is and work with the color scheme a bit more...only time will tell. For now loving what I've done even if this is a class assignment and my first blog EVER!!

Also, and as dorky as it might seem, I did think that this background would have been some Anime inspired background because of the use of the cool colors such as the pink, a light blue and the crème/golden yellow color. I can definitely see myself liking these colors and I think it’s a perfect match for my personality too! One thing that I actually do like is the white silhouette of hummingbirds, which are awesome. Although possibly a little girly, my mom has told me on occasions that it is good luck when you see a hummingbird or when they are flying close to you. So being the good little boy that I am, I chose this background, and loving it, in the hopes that it does indeed bring me some good terms of this class to understand the material and concepts being taught and get a passing grade while becoming a pro at using social media!

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love your template and your reasoning for choosing it. I have an atrium at my work and we currently have 2 hummingbird nests with babies in them. I check on them through out the day so my employees tell me on on "Hummingbird Watch 2015". I agree with a lot of your points about the personal and social aspects of social media. Although I find a lot of people posting business pages on Facebook lately so it makes me wonder if it's not the new medium for advertising. It seems a large quantity of people have personal pages as well as business pages. I'm am not familiar with Twitter at all. I find it intimidating but I must admit I haven't given it a fair chance.
