Thursday, May 7, 2015

Week 11 - Online Advetising: Different Ad Options

This week it's all about advertising. To think that Facebook as a social media platform has a such a vast array of options to promote one's business is such a great help and easy to do.

One of the things to keep in mind is what the reason for promoting one's business is. Are we trying to get more visibility and have our page be more accessible? Are we selling product or providing services that will benefit certain group of people or communities? Do we want to remind our loyal followers that were still around and should check us out if they haven't for some time now? Once that is established it's also good to know if we got a budget and/or how much money we want to spend on such advertisement.

For my business, Así Como Mamá, being a catering/food service style business the style of ads I'd be spending time creating would be Ad placement. Although, i have my followers that have liked my page this would be a great way to both my followers and newcomers to my page that were are still around and also place ad when new and seasonal products are being offered. This would most be for both men and women regardless of age group since it's mostly to bring more visibility to my page. the following screen shot would show the general ad placement on left and the occasional new/seasonal products on the right.
Seeing as how I only have a 29 likes, I think my business would benefit from getting more exposure and having more people know about what my business is about and the products that we offer. For this task the perfect form of advertising would be promote the my business page on my news feed and thus attracting more people. Below is how my ad would look
 Additionally, I could also boost one of my already used post to further attract more people to my page and like. Examples below of a chocolate flan cake for Mother's Day on the right and the one on the left if for the special promotion of our doilies for Mother's Day too but, also emphasizing we're also on twitter as it was taken from the tweet that didn't post on to the Facebook news feed.

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