Friday, May 8, 2015

Week 12 - Using Other Social Media Tools

This week we are to consider what additional four social media tools to we believe would be important to the growth of our business. The following I would be considering are
  • LinkedIn
    • Fantastic way to connect with professionals that you already know...or knew...and getting connected to them. When connecting with known professionals you can also endorse their skills that way others can have an easier time gauging what a professional can do. Also, one neat aspect of LinkedIn to grow your own contacts is through suggested connections and introductions from people you already know.
    • Maybe killing two bird with stone, you have access to Pulse where "The news and insights you need to know" are locates giving you access to articles relating to technology, social media, productivity and work/job related information as it is integrated with LinkedIn.
  • Yelp!
    •  This social platform would work because it would be giving exposure to my business in both positive and negative ways since it functions as a digital word of mouth and people would be able to rate my business depending on their experience and expectations.
  • Freedly
    •  Similar to Pulse this social platform would be beneficial because it will allow for me to collect different blog feed updates all in one location/application. In a way all blogs and articles and the likes that I tread to stay current with my interests, similar businesses, and trending topics in fashion, pop culture, etc. are all here in one location and not all just related to one platform like Pulse in relation to LinkedIn.
  •  Google +
    •  The way that my business would benefit from Google+ is through the use of community building and keeping track of my interests or conversations that developed through the posting of a single idea. The use of Circles would also be beneficial as I would be able to organize all my followers into different groups such as friends, professional contacts, and partners. Also, telecommuting is becoming something that is being more common especially in the workforce so the fact that I could partake in a meeting without leaving my home would be great and all for free!

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