Thursday, May 14, 2015

Week 14 - More Social Strategy

Throughout the semester we have been exploring social media in it's many platforms as well as experimenting which platform work best with each other and which one's seem to bring more traffic to our business' page.

From my experience, thus far, the social platforms that have integrated the best with my type of business have been Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. If anything having a food business Instagram works best since having my phone with me I can take snap picture of a beautiful dessert or awesome food at some event and then just load into the app and share it with all my followers. Part of the reason that Instagram makes integration with other platforms is because before publishing the picture post you can also have it be published on both Twitter and Facebook (as long as the login information is provided for both accounts) and then one post can be posted three times in three different platforms...useful since not the same followers will follow my business on all three platforms, if they do then it's a little rare.

I have truly enjoyed using Twitter, because it updates quickly and interaction is instantaneous. Although it doesn't show I was able to use twitter and direct message a couple of the people I was following and had conversation with them that resulted in better customer service as well as special promotion for my next visit. I think one of the things that makes me not want to use Twitter is that it does seem that one must know what they want to say and/or do to keep up with the constant communication that is always tending on Twitter. I have also enjoyed using Instagram but when posting my pictures I really haven't played with filters and the special effects but it has been fun in order to get my products displayed quickly in different platforms.

If it's not obvious by now the three social platforms that I have truly liked due to this class have been Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. I think that all three work the best for daily use. Lately, I have also been trying Pinterest and that platform would also work well on a daily basis or weekly basis depending on the boards that I build for my followers to check out. Facebook and Instagram are more likely to be great for the slightly "random" daily post to which followers can comment on on their own time. One cool thing about Facebook is that one can schedule posts to be posted at alter dates and times which is convenient when one ideas comes up but not quite the perfect time to reveal it.

Although, Twitter works too but one issue I see is how relevant one's tweets remains throughout the day, so more thought and interaction is needed to get the crowd going. I also think that Google+ would be effective on a much less frequent time schedule because I have used it to get ideas from others and join different forums and discussions. I think that Google+ would work best most for research and getting input form your community and connecting with others that way than necessarily advertising to a wider net of people.


  1. Miguel,
    I think that you have put some real thought into what you are using and your analysis sounds solid. I like the idea of taking quick photos and using Instagram I think that is great. I too have really found Twitter to be a positive addition to my online platforms.

  2. Hi Miguel,
    Great job analyzing your social media experience! I think it's really cool that you've found twitter to be helpful with customer service. This has been one of the more challenging social media outlets for me, because I don't find it as user friendly as other avenues.The fact that you've been able to use this platform to boost your business is inspiring and gives me hope that I can do it too :) Thank you!!
